Career perspective

Professional recognition and career perspective of undergraduate nursing students
Research on the Career Perspective of Female Secretary
Taken the main universities which boast the teaching subjects of landscape ecology in Germany as example , the teaching system , curriculum , teaching planning and the career perspective for the students are introduced .
In a career perspective , there is something wrong with the concept and the value of ideological and political education , we can spell out the nature of the problem is " real person " lack .
A study of university faculties job mobility from the career development perspective ;
The article inspects this problem in career anchor perspective and proposes to build multi-career path to solve it .
The Study on College Students ' Approach of Choice Career from the Perspective of Social Network
On the Planning of Undergraduate Career from the Perspective of Ecology
Art is long , but life is short . On the Planning of Undergraduate Career from the Perspective of Ecology
Career guidance from the perspective of composition , analysis and forecasts to guide the employment of university students and professional trends .
The Exploration on College Career Guidance in the Perspective of People-centered Comprehensive Development Theory A Probe into the New Working Modes for University Students ' Employment under the Guidance of Scientific Outlook on Development
This study explore the impact of the charismatic leadership on subordinate career success from the perspective of leadership style at the individual level , and introduce psychological empowerment and perceived supervisor support as intervening variables , then explore its intermediary role between charismatic leadership and subordinate career success .